February 16, 2025

Shelves are highly practical items of furniture. In fact, they’re a must in most homes and offices. After all, without these trusty objects, where would we put all our books? However, there’s more to shelving than simple functionality. These products also provide people with the chance to show off. By including the right items on their bookshelves, individuals can really impress their friends, family, colleagues and others.

If you’re keen to make a statement with the possessions on your shelves, take a look at these top tips.

Know your audience

No bookshelf is complete without, you guessed it, some books. However, the type of tomes you choose to showcase will depend on the audience you’re attempting to impress. If you’re focussing on storage in your office, you’ll want to include plenty of literature relating to the industry you work in. By displaying in-depth books on your field of expertise, you can show people you’re serious about your job, and highlight the fact that you know what you’re doing.

On the other hand, if you’re thinking about shelves in your home, it’s better to take a much more personal approach. OK, so some books about your work will fit in just fine, but it’s important to show you’re not a one-trick pony. Think carefully about precisely who you’re trying to impress and always try to include books covering a variety of topics. You might want to throw in some classic literature to indicate that you’re well-read, and a few books on your hobbies will reveal more about your personality. Travel books can make a great addition too, and they are fantastic conversation starters.

Display your achievements

As well as books, you can adorn your shelving with items that highlight your achievements, such as trophies and certificates. Don’t go overboard with this though. If your bookshelves are groaning under the weight of your prizes and awards, you risk looking either desperate or arrogant.

The personal touch

Another good idea is to add some personal touches to your shelves. For example, you can include a few framed pictures of your loved ones and some small ornamental objects that have special meaning to you. Perhaps you have mementos from your favorite trips abroad that would look perfect next to your books.

Items like these can help to bring storage solutions to life and they reveal your more sensitive side. In office environments, they can also help to add some all-important cheer and interest.

Setting the scene

Of course, it is no good going to great lengths to impress with the contents of your bookshelves if these storage solutions don’t look the part themselves.

Luckily, it’s now simple to buy shelves that look superb and are practical and durable too. For example, by heading online, you can peruse the impressive array of items offered by companies. Make sure you select versions that perfectly reflect your sense of style and that will make the perfect stage for your possessions.

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