January 24, 2025

Before investing time and effort into maintaining a yard or property this summer, it may be worthwhile to consider some alternatives that could potentially save money and energy for homeowners. Depending on the lifestyle, budget, and curb appeal of the property, the best landscaping may incorporate a mix of pavement and grass to create the best backyard, most durable driveway, and most alluring property possible. Consider the various activities and functions that your yard and property serve before deciding whether to maintain grass and turf, or whether grade and pave.

Some issues to weigh when determining if grass or pavement is best, including the following:

Yards Versus Patios

According to TRUEGRID, a provider of easy-draining pavers, there are some distinct spaces and situations that merit grass over pavement, and vice-versa. For instance, if your family is into sports such as football or soccer, a lush, grassy yard is idyllic. However, if your family is more involved in shooting hoops or riding bicycles, a smooth, paved property is likely best. Creating paved patios in the yard can curb maintenance and provide a dramatic place to dine and relax, while a lush lawn can be worth the effort, providing a lovely place to picnic or garden. Ultimately, it is the distinct lifestyle of the homeowner that commands the best choice, and in most situations, a combination of both is preferred.

Durable and Dramatic Driveways

There are many benefits to paving driveways, including the ability to find contractors willing to do this at a reasonable cost in most regions. First of all, the appearance is crisp and linear, often very flattering to the overall appearance of the property. Second, a smooth, paved driveway is easy on your vehicle, also providing an easy surface to walk or tread upon. Grass can be problematic in these areas, becoming soft in wet or humid weather, and gravel or aggregate may be very hard on pedestrians or on the finish of your car.

Enhanced Curb Appeal

If homeowners neglect their grass and lawns, it can detract from the overall curb appeal of the property. Paving is a low-cost way to alter and augment the appearance of the property, whether it serves an additional function or not. The mere look of a home surrounded by a black, asphalt driveway, or the allure of an expansive concrete patio in the backyard, can increase and improve the overall value of many homes and properties.

Costs and Contractors

If you have the equipment and skills necessary to maintain a lawn and backyard, then the costs of grass may be very minimal, making it an alluring option. However, if you pay someone even a small amount to routinely mow or trim your property, paving could present a cost-effective alternative. Repairs can be made to concrete and asphalt periodically as needed, though it is typically reapplied and reinstalled every few years. Talk to contractors to determine the cost of paving per square foot to precisely estimate the costs.

Depending on your lifestyle, it may be best to meld pavement and grass to create a backyard, driveway, and property that is conducive to the activities enjoyed, which coincides with the amount of effort, maintenance, and money that homeowners want to invest in their homes. Talk to contractors about the best solutions and approaches to make pavement and lawns cohesive, as well as affordable.

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